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Old 05-14-2010, 10:11 AM
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Default 25 Best And Most Popular Paid Themes For iPhone

The Best And Most Popular Paid Themes For iPhone .You Must Have Atleast One Of Them!


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S2 Gold

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iNitsua Z Twilight

This Twilight release is a complete theme. Including Snowcover Skin, Lockinfo Skin, Very Complete UI & Bundles, SBSettings Skin, Icon Overlay to skin ALL App Store apps, respring.png and More!

Also Included...

NEW in theme Live Clock
NEW in theme Weather Icon
NEW Alternate Lockscreen that uses image from camera roll

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A complete theme,with AutoCreate Appstore Icons, Device wide UI work from Phone, calendar, Messages, Clock, Lockscreen, iPod, and much much more!

Here,another choice for those who likes Deep Black theme.Deep Black is a nice theme but there isnt any custom make icons supported.While,Eternity is with auto create icons supported for appstore icons and u can also get the cydia apps icons from the homepage link as below.

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iElemental Pro Latest Version Is Finally Here!! This Version Includes Auto- Creating Icons!!

iElemental Pro v2.1

iElemental Pro
A Sleek Minimalistic Theme for your iPhone/iPod Touch. UI Theme, UI Sounds, 1200+ Icons and more. For those that like to keep things simple, or for those that are tired of those ugly big colourful buttons.

Using simple glyphs to depict each icon, this creates a very unique look for your iPhone or iPod touch. Includes full UI themeing, loading screens, SMS themes, UI Sounds, and much much more.

iElemental Pro Includes :

* Dialer & in-call dialer
* UI Images, including Messages, Email, iPod, Phone, Calendar
* Lockscreen background & slider
* Lockscreen battery
* WeatherIcon themes included (must have previously installed)
* Custom UI Sounds
* Default loading screens for all native iPhone apps and a handful of more popular third party apps. more to come

Recommended Addon :
* Five Icon Dock
* FiveIRows
* WeatherIcon
* Liveclock

2.1 Updates
Fixed Google Icon
Added new Masking for Auto-Creation of Small Icons
Added iWipe Cache for easy Cache Clearing.

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Eternal v1.4

The Most Elegant Theme Ever! Beautifully Designed 3D looking icons, with a FULL UI. MANY extras, it's truly the only theme you'll ever need!
*Features List:
*Hundreds of Icons.
*Date Widget On Springboard.
*SBSettings Theme Included!
*UI Images, including Messages, Mail, iPod etc..

*Customized Lockscreen background & slider
*Custom Lockscreen battery
*Themed Springjumps and Categories!
*Works with 5 Column SB and 5 row SB.
*Alternative Wallpapers
*Full compatibility with iPod Touch.
*Frequent updates and the best support at top iPhone/iPod Touch Communities.

-NEW IN 1.4:
-Auto Create Icon Feature
-Added Transparent Dock
-100+ icons added (now with over 500 icons)
-Safari UI upgraded.
-UI additions Device wide.
- PSD to place any photo in the ORB on Lockscreen

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Elite Pro v1.3

A new theme "Elite Pro." It can be found in Cydia under Featured themes. The App Store application Icons auto create.
Meaning NO un-skinned icons anymore!! The screenshots do it no justice, go see for yourself.

IMO This Is The Best Theme.

-Added inner black stroke on icons
-Added Thick Border Icon option
-Added new dock option
-Added Font
-Added Shelf options
-Some UIImages fixed
-Added new StatusBar theme

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Gold theme + bonus Platinum

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This is a very complete and very clean theme.

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Old 05-14-2010, 10:12 AM
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Pimptastic Pro

Pimp out your phone with this hot new Complete Pro theme from the maker of Ice Blue. Features include:
- Loading screens for default, and some 3rd party, applications.
- Lockscreen battery
- Skinned Notes
- Skinned calculator, including landscape
- UI Sounds
- SMS Background and bubbles
- iPod controls (both main and pop-up)
- System graphics (Wi-Fi, battery, signal bars, 3G, airplane mode etc.)
- Lockscreen wallpaper with "Tap to unlock" option
- Lockscreen password keypad
- In-call options screen and dialer
- 700+ round glass app icons

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Inspired OS v1.1

Inspired OS comes complete with three optional
Lockscreens, Snowcover Skin, Lockinfo Skin,
optional icon sets that auto create all App Store
Icons, complete UI and Bundles in a very clean
and easy to look at color scheme that complements the stock UI and MORE...

===Information on Theme===

1) Inspired OS.theme contains everything the standard theme has in an
essence. The Wallpaper, SMSBackground, LockBackground, UISounds,
loading screens, UIImages, icons, etc. It also comes with an
Overlay.png to use for any custom wallpapers or lock backgrounds you
want. It also has a widget you can use to utilize the Overlay.png with
the stock LockBackground Wallpaper like that of a stock iPhone.

2) iOS Alternative Icons.theme is self-explanatory. Not much different
than the original icons, but they are alternatives.

3) iOS Circle Icons.theme is self-explanatory. The icons are circles
with a 3D appearance and a shadow.

4) iOS Nano Icons.theme is self-explanatory. Square icons, basically,
with a 3D appearance and a shadow.

5) iOS ClockHide LockScreen.theme comes with an HTML script and CSS/JS
to replace and remove the lock clock.

6) iOS LockInfo LockScreen.theme is for LockInfo obviously. The only
thing in it is an FST_BG.png in order to provide a more smooth and
natural look when using LockInfo.

7) iOS SpringBoard Date.theme adds a date widget to the springboard.

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Deep Black [As Requested]

Deep Black, an amazing new theme filled with featured that you will love! Beautifully made Icons, System wide UI images, including SMS, iPod, Safari, Buttons, and MUCH MUCH MORE! From the creator of the successful "eternal" theme, this is the next big thing! Features of Deep black: -Many Nicely done Icons -Date Widget(Optional) On Springboard. -Device wide skinned UI Images, including Messages, Mail, iPod, safari, and MORE! -Calculator Fully Themed. -Customized Lockscreen background & slider, -PSD for lockscreen, so you can place any image! -Custom Lockscreen battery -Works with 5 Column SB and 5 row SB. -Alternative Wallpapers -Full compatibility with iPod Touch. -MUCH MORE

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This is MINIMUM PRO, this is not only a theme, itŽs one of the most complete UIs every made for for ipod and iphone with hundreds of new graphics for Apps, Lockinfo, SBSettings, infindock, Categories, Ipod, Safari, Dialer, Maps, Lockpad, Battery, UI windows, buttons and bars, a automatic icon overlay mask, templates and much more.

Features of minimum pro:

- One-Page theme, english and german version
- completly restyled iphoneOS UI !!!!
- including a time and weather widget
- about 192 mini-Icons now, other icons get masked by the theme
- a very simple setup
- works with your favorite wallpaper or iconset (for your categories folders)
- very clean and stylish artwork
- including templates for icons and theme and and three different wallpapers and lockscreens styles
- themed lockscreen including a awesome battery, Sliders, LockInfo and Categories
- themed SBSettings including a transparent respring wallpaper
- themed popup windows, bars, buttons, lockpad, iPod, dialer, SMS, Safari and nearly everything

What you need: only "Categories" and "iconoclasm" (or "iBlank")

I recommend to use "infinidock" for unlimited sliding dock icons and "CategoriesSB" and if you want five icons in a row use "Five-Column SpringBoard" or "Iconoclasm"

1. Move all your favorite apps in the dock.
2. Copy all the icons you need for Categories folders to "/Applications/Categories.app/icons".
open Categories and create 5 or more folders, move all your apps in and choose one of my icons for each
folder. In the categories App press "edit", tap on the blue arrow of the first folder, enable "Use Backgound
Image" then press "Apply to all Categories".
3. Open "/Applications/" and youŽll now find there apps called Category000, 001 and so on, copy my new category
Background (additional things) in all of these apps.
4. Create two Blank icons and position everything like i did on the screenshot
5. Copy my theme to your themes folder and respring
6. -->If you use SBSETTINGS simply enable my minimum SBSettings-theme in the settings of SBSettings and copy "respring.png" to "/user/library/sbsettings"
7. -->If you use LOCKINFO, then copy the new "section Header.png" and "section_subheader.png" to "/Library/Lockinfo"
8. -->If you use BACKGROUNDER copy the new badge to /private/var/stash/Applications..../Backgrounder.app
9. -->If you use STACK: copy both new icons to: Library/MobileStack
You find all this files in the Extras Folder

- How do i change the weather location ?
1. Open with your Browser to this webpage: Weather forecast, maps, news, alerts, and video on Yahoo! Weather
2. Search for your hometown, then open "Extended Forecast"
3. Look a the topbar of the browser an youŽll find a adress like that: "http://weather....USNY0176...."
4. Now this is for example the Weather code that we need: USNY0176
5. Now on iPhone go to /Library/themes/minimum...theme /Private/WeatherWidget/private/ and open the "configureMe.js" file with a text Editor ("Editor" for Windows) or freeware "Komodo Edit" for mac.
Change this code "USNY0176" to your hometown-code, save it and copy the file back in the folder. You can also do this directly on you iphone with "iFile"
6. Update interval: Change it in the last line of the "configureme.js"-textfile

- why are my icons not alligned correctly ?
you use fiveIRows or iconsclasm with a five rows layout. Disable or uninstall any addon or layout that uses
five icon rows ! To make it simple this theme uses the default four rows of the iphoneOS. If you use
Categories, disable the titlebar function.

- i want more than 5 folders ?
create more and postion them in the second row of the second page

- i want another wallpaper and more icons ?
ask me or buy minimum pro including the template and a simple graphics overlay if you don't have photoshop. The lockscreen can be changed simply by copy any picture named "LockBackground.png" to the theme folder.

- i want 24 hours clock ?
download the german theme and copy the widget.html into your english theme, so you have a 24hours clock but also german days and moths.Simply override them with a text editor or directly with iFile on your iphone.

- where is the theme template and all that other nice UI stuff ?
spend me a beer and download "minimum pro" on cydia

- does this work with a ipod ?

- how do i change the "pro" version to german language ?
a) Rename "widget-deutsch.html" to "widget.html" and copy it together with the "wallpaper.png" from the folder "Extras/german modifications" into the theme folder.
b) Copy "respring.png" to "/user/library/sbsettings".
c) Open the configurMe.js file(see weather setup) and change temperature in this line to celsius by writing: "...the var isCelsius = true" !

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Old 05-14-2010, 10:15 AM
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"This has to be my favorite theme I've made and I hope all you love it as much as I do. Like as I said in earlier post, this theme will only work with the Adeline Iconoclasm Layout made for it. I tried every way possible to make it work with every SpringBoard tweak available on Cydia using iBlanks before resorting to Iconoclasm ( I knew alot of users may not users already have it)

You'll need Stack v3 or Categories (Apps or Tools and Games) to make the "Biz" and "Party" folders. SpringJumps are optional and you can use them if you want. "

Adeline boost:
• Over 230 beautiful icons (more to come)
• Custom User Interface (Beta v.2)
• "Brick Heart Breaker" Lockscreen
• Text bubbles
• Music player skin
• New Original Weather and Date Widget
• Phone dialer
• Custom signal bars
• Blah Blah
• And so much more...

1. Install Iconoclasm [See Below]
2. Install the Adeline Iconoclasm Add-On. This spaces the icons as seen in the screenshots.
3. Configure Iconoclasm to use the Adeline Add-On on the first four pages and 5X5 on the remaining pages.
4. Copy the Iconoclasm theme to your iPhone via SSH.
5. Enable the theme and rearrange the icons so that everything looks as desired.
6. Edit the weather-config.js file so that the weather is for your location (located in Adeline.theme\Widgets\Configs).

Iconoclasm is a tweak that lets you break the barriers of what you can do with your icons. Previously, you had to deal with multiple extensions that didn't necessarily play nice with each other, or use blank web clips. Not anymore.You can define as many rows or columns you want. You can even break free from rows and columns, and simply have icons placed freely on your home screen. It's all up to you.

Install Iconoclasm
Note: Make sure you un-install FCSB first if you have it! And make sure you have Preference Loader installed before installing the deb

After downloading the deb rename to icon.deb

* Copy it to var/mobile on your iphone and install using ifile or do the following
* Open up mobile terminal
* Type in su (press return)
* Type in alpine 0r your password (press return)
* Type in dpkg -i icon.deb (press return)
* Respring or Reboot and enjoy

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iTap v1.2

The most beautiful and functional theme ever made ! - outstanding professional graphics work - a complete new way to use your phone OS, no more endless sliding - tap buttons bar on the right with color-switch function - a home-page, five main-pages and two extra pages with backbuttons - Lockscreen and LockInfo themed - 140.000 Icons as it works with a icon mask, no more searching for any icon ! - harmonizes perfectly with the complete iphone OS - including a full template for photoshop.

Installation Guide Version 1.2:

1. install Springjumps, iBlank and FiveIRows (cydia freeware).Disable or unistall iconoclasm !
2. after copying/installing my theme to your themes folder, disable it in winterboard, so setup is easier.
3. open the springjumps app and enable springjumps 0-7.
4. Open "Library/themes/itap.theme.theme/EXTRAS/needed springjumps" and copy all 27 folders inside this folder to "/Applications" on your phone and respring.
5. now sort your apps on eight pages (home, favs, media, system, tools, games, more tools, more games) and place all this numbered springjumps on the right side of each page starting at the bottom from 1 to 5. One springjump called "Page0" comes to the dock, right side. Your weather, calendar and clock app comes to the dock too. Fill spaces with blank icons, created with iBlank

-->READY, Just enable theme in Winterboard please

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S2 Ice Theme On WareBB Now AnD It'S FREE

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New release!!!! S2 theme

S2 is a complete theme , very clean and elegant.
Here are some of the features:
* Custom Icons Template.
* Full Custom Dialer Skin.
* Loading Screens.
* Full Calculator Skin, Portrait and Landscape.
* Custom UI Sounds.
* Custom Media player
* Custom Wallpaper and Lockscreen
* Touch to Unlock Logo on Lockscreen.

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iD3 is now available Here

This will auto-create all App Store icons and web bookmarks - so, from the moment you install iD3 all of your apps will be skinned automatically! This will NOT auto-create icons for Rock or Cydia apps(read below), but some of the more popular ones are included and more will be added upon request.

How to clear icon cache(VERY EASY!)
1. Search for 'iWipe Cache' on Rock and install it
2. Select 'iD3' in WinterBoard
3. Open 'iWipe Cache' - it will clear the icon cache and respring your device automatically! Doesn't get any easier than that!

*Make sure you support the developer of this very convenient and FREE app!

Note: This must be repeated any time u select a different theme and then come back to iD3 - but why would u ever do that??!!

How to use theme options in WinterBoard
The following will explain the different theme options and how to use them properly via WinterBoard. Remember, WinterBoard is priority specific!

*iD3- this is the main theme folder and must always be selected!
*iD3_Carrier- this will replace the 'AT&T' logo with 'iD3'(when selected this needs to be above 'iD3')
*iD3_LockBackground- this will replace the default theme lockbackground with an embedded 'iD3' logo on the wallpaper(must be above 'iD3')
*iD3_No Calendar- this will make the Calendar icon transparent so it can be moved behind the time & date when 'iD3_Time&Date' is selected, thus opening the calendar when the date is pressed..explained further below(must be above 'iD3')
*iD3_Time&Date- this puts the time & date on the springboard & removes the time from the status bar(must be above 'iD3')

iD3 Time&Date setup
You will need to install the following apps found on Rock & Cydia.

*iBlank- creates blank icons
*BlankNull- makes it so nothing happens when u press a blank icon(web clip) - without it safari will open every time u accidentally press on a blank icon(this will not create an icon on your springboard)

1. Open 'iBlank' and create 4 blank icons for every springboard page u have..for example, if u have 10 pages of apps u will need to create 40 blank icons
2. Press and hold down on any icon until all icons go into 'wiggle' mode..the blank icons u created can usually be found on the last springboard page(they are invisible and the only thing u will see is an 'x')...put 4 blank icons on the top row of each page, creating an empty space for the time & date. When done, press the 'Home' button.
3. Open 'WinterBoard' and select "iD3_Time&Date" and make sure it is selected and moved above "iD3"..remember, 'WinterBoard' is priority specific.

Note: If u want to remove the icon names, open WinterBoard and select "No Undocked Icon Labels" and make sure it is above 'iD3' and 'iD3_Time&Date'

iD3 No Calendar
After u have made blank icons from the steps above and selected 'iD3_Time&Date', follow the steps below.

1. Before u select this option in WinterBoard move the Calendar icon in the second position(top row, main page) u can just delete the extra blank.
2. Select 'iD3_No Calendar' in WinterBoard- the will make the Calendar icon invisible and when u press on the time & date(slightly left), the Calendar app will open.
3. Select 'No Undocked Icon Labels' in WinterBoard and move it above 'iD3' - u don't want to see the words 'Calendar' floating around up there, plus the icon labels just make ur springboard look messy!

Note: This will obviously only work when on the main springboard page


* 1.2
*Skinned calculator(no landscape)
*Added more Rock & Cydia icons
* 1.1
*Added more Rock & Cydia icons
*Added iD3 WeatherIcon(must have WeatherIcon installed to work)
*UI tweaks and fixes
* 1.0
*initial public release

iWarp HD2 PRO

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iLlumine v1.6.5

An original theme with a unique glow to your icons. See screen shot for more details

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Illumine Icon Pack Made By Code Name

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iSatin Carbon

iSatin Carbon v1.5
iSatin Carbon edition theme with over 500 icons, ipod, dialer, calculator, SMS, loading screens, UIImages, bundles, and much more! This is the the iNav version but like iSatin it can be used without SpringJumps and Categories.

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Last edited by Spiral; 05-14-2010 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 05-14-2010, 10:16 AM
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Glass Orb Color PRO

Glass Orb Color PRO v2.0 aka G.O.C, PRO v2.0
Sleek, sophisticated, simple, smooth & colorful! The only theme you'll ever need!

Why go PRO?? Below is a list of new features.

* Auto-creates all App Store icons(Please read below for more details)
* Orb date widget(this feature is a selectable user option and is fully compatible w/ bosspaper)
* Dialer & in-call dialer
* Calculator
* Compass(Yes! no more ugly woodgrain!)
* UI Images, including Notes, Messages, iPod etc..
* Lockscreen background & slider + 4 optional sliders included
* Lockscreen battery
* New clear Glass Orb style dock + 2 optional docks
* LiveClock & WeatherIcon themes included(must have them already installed)
* Custom UI Sounds(user selectable via WinterBoard)
* Default loading screens for all native iPhone apps and a few of the more popular third party apps.
* The best support and community found on any other theme!


G.O.C. Update 2.0 has been released! This update overwrites all previous updates! This means that u may want to backup any custom changes u have made to this theme before u update as all custom changes will be overwritten!!! Additionally, this update adds files that will auto-create all App Store icons(not jailbroken apps) - in order to use this feature u will have to clear the icon cache [please read changelog below for further details.]So, this means that every single app that comes from the App Store will be "orbed" instantly!! there will be no more need to request icons here unless u have an app from Rock or Cydia that needs to be customized, or if u want different dock icons


* 2.0
*Now auto-creates all App Store icons(not Rock or Cydia) Please scroll down for more detailed info
* 1.5
*Added more icons (now 3,600+)
* 1.4
*Added more icons (now 3,350+)
*Added iPod Touch support(select 'G.O.C. PRO_iPod' in WinterBoard and move above 'G.O.C. PRO'. Dock icons should be in the following order from left to right: Safari, Mail, Music, Videos, iTunes)
* 1.3
*Added more icons (now 2,850+)
*Added landscape mode for calculator app
*Added custom page indicators
*Fixed an issue where the "Mail"notification icon on status bar was being overwritten by the "Silent" icon when "mute" was enabled
* 1.2
*Added more icons (now includes 2,500+)
*Added 'Bluetooth' audio-source icon when in-call
*Added 'Bluetooth' icon for status bar
*Added 'Egde' icon for status bar
* 1.1
*Moved "G.O.C. PRO UISounds" to a separate theme selectable via WinterBoard
* 1.0
*Initial public release

How to clear SpringBoard icon cache(auto-create):
In order to take advantage of the icon "auto-create" feature released in the 2.0 update, you must be able to access the system files via openSSH. I know most of u are very familiar with this, so this is for the noobs ..there are many FREE tools available to access your system files, but I'm just going to explain how to use the easiest and most convenient one.

1. Open Rock or Cydia and search for 'iFile' and install it(iFile is free, however it's continued development depends on donations, so please consider making a contribution to it's developer)
2. Open 'iFile' and click on the top left button until u get to the "root" directory...u will know u are there when u can't go any further and u see the forward slash symbol "/" on the top bar.
3. Navigate to the following directories:
var/mobile/Library/Caches - and delete these two directories/folders:
'SpringBoardIconCache' & 'SpringBoardIconCache-small'(don't worry, this is very safe! these folders will automatically be re-created after u respring ur device)
4. Respring ur device and now all ur existing, and all future App Store icons, will now be "Orbified"

Note: If u decide to switch to another theme, u will have to repeat the above steps again when u enable G.O.C. Pro via WinterBoard.

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GT Theme

GT v1.2
This is it. VERY clean, VERY detailed, VERY complete.
This full WinterBoard theme is something you can really show off. You will NOT be disappointed!!

GT Includes:

-1050 Icons (Soon To be many more)
-2 Icon Sets
-Template for creating Icons (/Library/Themes/GT/MAKE ICONS)
-Status Bar Icons
-iPod Skin
-Safari Skin
-Mail Skin
-Settings Skin
-Calculator Skin
-Dialer Skin
-Notes Skin
-Live Weather Icon
-Battery Skin

Changelog - GT
1.2 - January 16th, 2010

Over 1500 Icons.
Live Clock Theme.
Blue Mod.
Custom Loaders.
Tap to unlock option.

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iElegance PRO

iElegance PRO v1.3
Are you ready for the cleanest, most precise iTheme yet? This is it! Once you go PRO, you will never need another Theme again! This package includes it all. Icons, Wallpaper,Default Loading screens, Dock, Slider, Fonts (extra free package), Dialer, Calculator, SBSettings, UISounds, UIIMages, LockBackground, Safari Skin, Mail Skin, PSD and Action files for making your own icons, and much more!!

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Snow Leopard Portrait v1.2

This is a free Public theme.IMO,the setup of this theme is rather stressful.Please follow the instruction carefully.If u're a noob then forget abt this theme

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Old 06-18-2010, 10:30 AM
koolox koolox is offline
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I got an iphone 2G running 3.1.2 and I cant get Eternal theme to work in Winterboard. What do I do about this?

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Old 07-21-2010, 10:12 AM
~hydeist ~hydeist is offline
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how do i extract?
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Old 07-25-2010, 11:29 PM
jeetaryan jeetaryan is offline
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they are all so wonderful. thanks for sharing these themes.
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Old 07-28-2010, 03:24 AM
Shigenws Shigenws is offline
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bf theme good thank you
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Old 08-24-2010, 05:06 PM
ferdaws ferdaws is offline
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when i download how i can use in iphone pls help
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Old 10-16-2010, 09:20 PM
ifone ifone is offline
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Thanks. These are really best 25 themes. Once again. Thanks.
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