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adCenter Section for topics related to MSN adCenter PPC program.

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Old 10-04-2009, 03:27 PM
7omesa 7omesa is offline
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Default Pros and Cons of MSN Adcenter

Ok this is for all those who want to know if they should use adcenter or not. If you have anything to add please do so.

1) Low competition means that there are less ads being displayed per search which means a higher CTR of your ads.
2) Lower Competition means that your average CPC is much lower than on google and yahoo search networks.
3) MSN sends high quality traffic. This results in a much higher Conversion rate than that on yahoo and google.
4) Support is repsonsive to your every needs.

1) MSN rejects keywords for absolutely no reason what so ever, but they will tell you that you landing pages are not relevant.
2) You will call customer support about the rejected keywords and they will say you are entirely correct and that they will fix the keyword rejection issue, its fixed and then 2 weeks later they are rejected again.
3) The amount of traffic driven through MSN is very small therefore your efforts my be better spent elsewhere.
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Old 06-16-2010, 07:25 AM
zenkarman zenkarman is offline
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I agree with the con about how slow the traffic is some times, and if you raise your budget up extremely high to get some traffic, it will come way to fast and then your in trouble! However, I have heard they are adding a daily budget feature to fix this!

I would like to add some more cons:
1. Adcenter dead slow in loading the page.
2. Bulk upload or Download is not that much good like Google or Yahoo.Stlll they have to improve alot in these area.
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Old 11-30-2010, 01:53 PM
devinemarko devinemarko is offline
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For the time required to create a campaign, and to make changes, this usually is not profitable amount of traffic, which is seen as MSN.
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